Call : 01209 712036
Email : info@chapeldental.com
Chapel Dental now offers safe ear wax removal
Here at Chapel Dental in Camborne, we have trained and qualified dedicated staff to use specialist equipment to perform both microsuction and warm water irrigation.
After the inspection and consultation, we use digital imagery to show you inside your ears to see if wax removal is necessary.
The initial consultation with digital imagery £25.00
Wax removal from one ear (including consultation) £50.00
Wax removal from both ears (including consultation) £60.00
We provide after care advice and instructions.

Our dental surgery in Camborne offers:
Signs that you may have a build-up of ear wax include:

Ears feeling blocked
Reduced hearing
Irritated or itchy ears
Muffled and or crackling noises
Hearing aids won’t go in the ears correctly
Smell or discharge from the ear
We advise you to use an oil-based softening agent prior to your appointment to aid with easy wax removal.
Book your consultation now, please contact our reception team today:
Call our dentists in Camborne on 01209 712036